Keyword Research Articles
Check out these articles relating to Keyword Research
Is Something Missing From Your Keywords Research?
Part 1 by Serge Botans
As you may already know, keywords are an essential part of search engine optimization (SEO). And the usual approach recommended to finding the right keywords to target with one's site involves the ideas of demand, supply and KEI (and/or CID). I would like to propose that one thing is missing in this research approach.
What is missing is a consequence of one of the major advantages of the Internet. Let me explain . . . When I use the Internet to look for information, or software, . . . I don't care about what country is hosting the site, nor do I care about the nationality of the owner of the site. I am only concerned about finding what I am after. So, for me, when I use the Internet, the fact that the world is made up of countries is not something I think about, nor is it an issue because the Internet has in some ways effectively removed the existence of country borders.
Yet, it is this very positive aspect of the Internet that, I believe, leads us to perform incomplete keywords research when we look for keywords to target with our site.
You see, while the Internet has helped us forget about the existence of countries, when it comes to keywords, we must not forget that the world is made up of countries. The reason for this is that the demand for keywords can be country specific. This means that a keyword in high demand in one country, may not be in the same demand in another country. And in some cases, a keyword in demand in one country will not be in demand anywhere else.
To illustrate this idea, consider the following demand numbers for the stated keywords, as reported by Overture (the research being done in June 2005).
Using the keyword "keyword",
- Australia: 669
- Canada: 17
- United Kingdom: 10,770
- USA: 125,177
Another example, looking at the keyword "meta tag",
- Australia: 127
- Canada: 15
- United Kingdom: 2,653
- USA: 10,851
And still another example, looking at the keyword "meta keyword",
- Australia: 10
- Canada: 0
- United Kingdom: 57
- USA: 552
If you had a web site that dealt with SEO and you were looking for keywords to target, then surely the above results would prove interesting. For example, you could see which of the 4 countries above had an interest in what your web site is about. This in turn would tell you which countries you should target, and which you could safely ignore.
In case you are wondering how we obtained the above results . . . We did some basic research at the Overture site and found that it wasn't all that difficult to do. We also found that Overture provides the demand data in 19 countries around the world, covering Europe, Asia, North America, South America and Australasia. We need to point out that some areas were better represented than others. South America, for example, is represented by 1 country only, while Europe is covered by 11.
By going to the Overture site, anyone can likewise discover how to use Overture to research the demand for keywords in any of the 19 countries it supports.
To go back to the title of this article . . . I feel, and I hope that you will now agree with me, that any research on keywords that does not take into account countries is not complete. For one thing, don't you want to know where your visitors are most likely to come from?
In case you are not convinced about the point I am trying to make, I will try to explain in my next article other reasons why I think that proper keyword research should take into account countries.
Serge M Botans is the CEO of Meta Keywords Advice, a web site that provides advice on keywords. Free evaluation available. He is also the inventor of CID, which is an altenative to KEI.
Finding a Niche Through Keyword Research by Greg Mauro
Keyword research is the thorn in many online business owners sides, yet it is a necessity for building a profitable online business. Whether you have your own product, sell affiliate merchandise or just offer information and hope for click-throughs with Google Adsense, they key to your success is traffic. The best way to get traffic, besides purchasing it, is to research the keywords and find out which combinations are prime to cater to.
Lets work with the example of "Lake Tahoe". For those of you unfamiliar with Lake Tahoe, it is a Lake and surrounding area on the boarder of California and Nevada between Sacramento and Reno. With the wide variety of activities, this will be a perfect example of how to narrow your target down. It could range from looking to make travel/hotel arrangements, boating research, camping/hiking trails, wedding locations, casinos and more. And unless you are already leaning strongly towards one area or another (due to experience, product, etc), it should be your keyword research that guides your path.
First, youll want to determine the size of your overall market. By going to your Keyword Selector Tool, you can determine how many searches a month are devoted to Lake Tahoe and subcategories there within. Many people stop here and see that one particular keyword is researched more than another, so that is the one they will go after - more potential customers. But what they fail to realize is that these more popular searches usually have exponentially more competition. What you want to do is find keywords with a good ratio of searches per results. There are many tools (software programs) available on the Internet that will do this type of research for you, or you can do it the old-fashioned way and research results for every potential keyword through the various search engines and run the numbers against your total searches.
Now lets say you have narrowed your market down to "Lake Tahoe Casinos" and "Lake Tahoe camping". Unless you are just making this site as a hobby, you will want to monetize those visitors that you get. Youll need to find out what people are paying to advertise on the search engines as well as look at affiliate programs of product you can sell. There are much more opportunities with higher dollar value involved with casinos than with hiking, so if it was a dead heat between the two, product here should lean you towards "Lake Tahoe Casino". is an Internet business resource specializing in keyword research, helping you to find and exploit the niche markets that can maximize your profits. For more information on Lake Tahoe keyword Research, visit
Keyword Research
Article by Keith Mallinson
When you are looking for help promoting your site, using keyword research may seem like a good idea. But, is it? And, if so, how do you know what to do, how to do it, or if you should pay someone else to do it? Sounds like a lot of hassle, but really it doesnt have to be. Choosing the right words to use as your keywords is key to successful searches. So, how is it possible to find the right words to use? There are a number of companies who are willing to help you determine this information. But, choosing very commonly used keywords will get you nowhere as well. For instance, choosing a keyword that many other sites already use heavily means that your chances of having that keyword pop up your site is small. So, finding the right words are important. There are several companies that will do keyword research for you as well. Instead of racking your brain to figure it all out and ending up with poor results, you can find and use one of the numerous keyword research companies. One such website that offers this type of help is There, you can input the information and get a list, so to speak of keywords for your website. Doesnt that sound easier then trying to do it to yourself.
While there are many keyword research sites to choose from, you may want to start with a basic, simple and free program first. This way, you waste little time and no money on your keyword research. If you do not like the results given there, you can simply search for one of the many companies who are willing to provide you with keyword research programs and search engines for a fee. Whatever method you use, it definitely beats the headache of trying to find the right keyword for on your own.
Keith Mallinson is author of the article exchange newsletter, offering subscribers up to date information on all aspects of article submissions and use of free articles for search engine optimization
Drive More Traffic Using Targeted Keyword Research by Wade M. Thomas
Using keyword research can expand the reach and visibility of any business trying to do business on the internet. It is also one of the most under used techniques of driving internet traffic. Keyword research is also a necessity for search engine optimization and pay-per-click campaigns.
Keyword research doesnt only help with search engine visibility, but it also can open your eyes, as an entrepreneur, of complimentary markets, products or services that you should be addressing. Ive been able to find additional markets to promote as a compliment to my existing business. This allows me to make more money from each lead that I drive to my website.
There are basically 2 types of keyword research software: keyword suggestion tools and keyword analytical tools.
1. Keyword Suggestion Tools is one of the best keyword research tools available on the internet. It combines the Yahoo / Overture Keyword Research Search Tool with the Keyword Bidding Tool on One Screen. It tells you how much it would cost to be number one in the Overture Pay Per Click Search Sites in the left hand screen, and in the right hand screen tells you how many times the keyword was searched for and the various other keywords that were searched containing that word.
The reason that I like and use so much, is because its FREE to use AND I can view 2 key ingredients to find and target niche markets better. If I see that a keyword is searched for a lot, then I will play with various versions of it to find those keywords that allow me to get the best number of clicks for the cheapest amount of money. Thus driving traffic to test sites in order to find out what my metrics are for my Google Adwords or Yahoo Overture Campaigns.
One of the best places to perform keyword research are the search engines themselves. I like using both and I find that since Google cleans their search engine and takes longer to index websites, when I am dealing with instantly changing markets and information, I will rely on using, and
2. Keyword Analytical Tools
There are also some Paid Keyword Research Tools that I use on a regular, almost daily basis. The most popular paid keyword research tool among search engine marketers is software called WordTracker.Com Wordtrackers Keyword Research Guide is a useful collection of tips and techniques from some of the most respected search marketing practitioners working today. At first, I wasnt sure whether paying the money that I paid was worth it or not. So I started with a One Day Trial. That turned into years of membership now for me. I would not want to do business on the internet without WordTracker.
You need third-party keyword research tools and resources to build and expand keyword lists for search engine marketing (SEM). Some SEM and search engine optimization (SEO) agencies have keyword research tools available only to their clients. Extensive keyword research seeks to harmonize your keyword choices with the search terms most used by your targeted visitors.
What about SEO - Search Engine Optimization?
For best results, keyword research and analysis should be undertaken in consultation with an experienced search engine professional (SEP). They will help you to further use these tools to the deepest level possible in order to maximize your return on investment in pay per click advertising!! There are many things in life that you dont try to do yourself, like being your own doctor when you are sick or being your own attorney when you are in trouble. SEO should be handled by the professionals.
Remember: Keyword research is an integral and extremely important part of your overall search engine optimization process.
Maximizing the use of keyword research and related tools will help you to:
- expand your visibility and revenue
- find you new and complimentary markets
- lower your keyword pay per click cost
- increase your bottom line profits per campaign
Take Action & get going over to to start your basic keyword research and see how easy, fun and profitable it can be!!
Wade Thomas of MarketingCoach.Com teaches people how to tap hidden markets and find bigger profits focusing on niche markets. He has over 100+ Targeted Niche Websites Online & Actively driving traffic and making money. Wade has been a featured speaker on Infopreneuring and Internet Marketing by Robert Allen, Fred Gleeck, Carl Galletti and is a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach. For FREE TIPS on Driving Traffic, visit
Keyword Research and Analysis by Bill Hartzer
Keyword research is one of the most important parts of online marketing. Sometimes we dont realize just how much of a difference it can make in the overall success of a search engine marketing campaign or even the success of an online business. In fact, its my belief that the keyword phrase--the term that a searcher types into the search engine when theyre searching--can make or break online business. Target the wrong keyword phrases and an online business is destined to fail.
Domain names by themselves are no longer the most valuable "location" on the internet--keywords are. If you buy a domain name and put up a website, visitors wont automatically flock to your website and buy your products. The popular phrase "if you build it they will come" is not true when it comes to online businesses. You must market your website online, and one of the best forms of ROI for an online business is through search engine marketing. All search engine marketing campaigns need to start with a set of keywords. Its those keywords that are an online business location, just as a traditional brick and mortar stores location is a physical street address.
Location, Location, Location If youre considering opening a gas station, one of the most important decisions related to the success of the gas station is going to be its location. Selling gas near a busy highway where there is a large traffic count would be ideal. So, its logical to get the traffic count data for several locations before deciding where to purchase land and build your gas station. In the online marketing world, we have the opportunity to get traffic counts as well--the average number of searches per day for certain keyword phrases. By positioning your online business in the proper keyword "locations", your online business will thrive. Target the wrong keyword phrases and your online business wont get any search engine traffic, and no potential customers will visit your website.
If youre a brick and mortar business that sells power tools, proper keyword research can be a tremendous help--even before you set up your online business. Keyword research can tell you exactly which power tools are more popular online--which may be different than the best selling power tools in your retail store. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on the more popular products that customers are looking for online. For example, did you know that more people search for portable generators online than any other type of power tool? Perhaps this is due to the recent weather-related disasters that have hit the United States or the pending winter weather, but focusing on selling portable generators online might be good for business. Keyword research using Wordtracker ( gives us this valuable information--it can also give us the list of other power tools that are being searched for, which will be a good start for a list of keywords.
Keyword Research Tools There many online keyword research tools, and many of them work differently and provide you with different data. Oftentimes there will be differences in the data, and thats primarily due to the actual source of the data. For example, according to Wordtracker (, one of the most popular keyword research tools, "All search terms are collected from the major metacrawlers - Dogpile and Metacrawler." Yahoo! Search Marketing, formerly Overture, still has the free Overture Keyword Selector Tool (, whose data comes directly from their database--the keyword data is usually one month old. Searches performed there in October will show data compiled from September.
Other keyword research tools exist, and youll need to check each of the tools websites to determine where they get their data. Remember that using a combination of several online keyword research tools will help, as getting a second or third opinion is always a good practice. The following is a list of the keyword research tools: Wordtracker - NicheBot - Digital Point Keyword Suggestion Tool - Keyword Discovery - Free Keyword Research Tool -
There is a good list of more keyword research tools on the SEO Company website at
Keyword research is an important part of the overall search engine marketing process. You must have a list of keywords to target whether your goal is organic search engine rankings or a advertising with a pay per click campaign. Target the right words and your online business will be a success--focusing on keywords that describe exactly what youre selling will provide the best overall return on investment. Target the wrong keywords and youll end up with the wrong type of visitors to your website or no visitors at all.
Bill Hartzer manages the Search Engine Marketing division of MarketNet, Inc., a leading full-service interactive design and development firm in Dallas, Texas.
Far from just another service using the same old information, our data is researched from the ground up and will inspire you to create new web sites, categories and web pages.
We're in the process of setting up a monthly drawing for keyword lists as well as free keyword list giveaways. YOU can get some great information plus a free video on Keyword Research if you sign up for the Article Marketing News Newsletter
Here is our first free list of keywords from one of our recent research missions!
Keyword Density Tools
High Bids Keyword Research List 001 - 30 high bid words with low competition! So easy to get top rankings, going after these keywords are like shooting fish in a barrel!
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