Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Use Radical Forgiveness Technology to Achieve Natural Weight Loss

Natural Weight Loss and Radical Forgiveness
Our bodies reflect our emotional health. Repressed emotional baggage can literally show up as physical baggage - excess body fat.

Functional Fat
No amount of dieting will get rid of excess body fat if it is serving an emotional function. The most common function it performs is protection. This can be protection from generalized hurt and rejection, but most frequently it is used to protect from imagined or real sexual attack.

The sexual abuse of children by their parents, grand-parents, step-parents, mother's boyfriends, siblings, baby-sitters and others is rampant in our society. It is estimated that one in five adults were sexually molested in their childhood years.

The only way a powerless child can deal with this is through the mechanisms of denial, repression and disassociation. However, such attacks leave a powerful energetic imprint on the body, generated and sustained by a potent mixture of repressed fear and guilt. (They nearly always think of it as their fault). This is frequently made much worse by their own mothers refusing to believe them if and when they have summoned enough courage to tell, and ending up being blamed and punished even more.

To read more or to purchase, click the new Radical Weight Loss Program and you can achieve natural weight loss.

The Body Remembers
Even if the mind blocks it out, the cellular structure of the body remembers only too well. So it seeks to protect itself by piling on the fat in those regions previously most affected and thought to be most vulnerable. This not only provides a wall of physical protection against attack, but psychic protection also. The mind figures that being physically attractive is a risky proposition so the best way to ward off physical advances is by making oneself decidedly unattractive. What better way to become sexually unattractive than to be obese.

The body can also put on excess weight as a way to reinforce feelings of inadequacy and of being unloved. It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy that feeds on itself. The worse I feel about myself, the fatter I become. The fatter I become, the worse I feel about myself. And so it goes on.
It is difficult to know for sure, but I would be willing to hazard a guess that well over half of those who are significantly overweight are that way because they have deeply buried unconscious emotional pain that they are not aware of or won't deal with.

The Solution
The answer is using Radical Forgiveness to create natural weight loss. It is the technology that hundreds of sexual abuse victims, and victims of other forms of abuse, have used to neutralize and dissolve the energy pattern that kept the guilt, shame and fear frozen in their bodies and surrounded by fat. And the best thing is that it does not require that the person remembers what happened or to re-enact it in any form of therapy. Surprisingly, the forgiveness process is enough to create natural weight loss.

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