Thursday, December 6, 2007


Ankle Boots and Dresses are HOT (source)

It may be chilly for you northern gals, but down here in Florida it is still hot, hot, hot. Luckily for me (and all of the celebs out in California) we can still wear super cute short dresses. One of the trendiest looks in short dresses for this fall is to pair them with ankle boots.

Now, this is not a look for the faint of HAVE to be confident that your legs are in killer shape or it just won't fly. It's a tough look to pull off, but if you think you've got the confidence to do it then you should totally try! The reason this isn't a good look for everyone? Well, if you already have short or heavy legs, this won't help them at all because this look highlights everything from your calves and your ankles to your knees and above.

Still not sure whether you can do it? If you are on the fence about ankle boots with dresses, then do something like what Carmen Electra did...don't wear them with bare legs, but instead pair them with dark or black pantyhose. This will give you a little more security and support while still getting the same effect.

source info from coutureavenue

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