Thursday, October 30, 2008

Grahita tuna and tuna Darsa?

Tunagrahita is the word from the other Retardasi Mental (mental retardation)
Tuna means losers.
Grahita means mind.

Retardasi Mental (Mental Retardation / Mentally retarded) means mentally retarded.

Tunagrahita often disepadankan with the terms, as follows:

1. Weak mind (feeble-minded);
2. Mentally retarded (Mentally retarded);
3. Stupid or witless (idiot);
4. Moron (Imbecile);
5. Fatuous (moron);
6. Oligofrenia (Oligophrenia);
7. By capable (Educable);
8. Ability to Practice (Trainable);
9. Dependence of (Totally dependent) or Need Care;
10. Mental Subnormal;
11. Mental deficit;
12. Cognitive deficits;
13. Mental disability;
14. Mental Defisiensi;
15. Intellectual interference

Tunagrahita children have the intellectual function is not static. Certain groups, including some from down syndrom, has a physical aberration than friends, but the majority of children of tunagrahita particularly classified light, visible as the other. Most of the cases detected tunagrahita many children after school. IQ tests may be indicators of someone's mental ability. Adaptive Ability someone is not necessarily reflected in the results of IQ tests. Training, experience, motivation, and social environment is very big influence on the ability of Adaptive someone.

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