Thursday, October 30, 2008

Smallpox disease (Herpes)

Smallpox disease or known as the 'Herpes' by the medical dermatitis is a disease marked by the establishment of bubble-containing bubbles in the water. Smallpox disease or Herpes this kind of group 2, and Genetalis Herpes Herpes Zoster.

Herpes infection is Genetalis or inflammation (bubble blister) on the skin, especially in the genitals (vagina, penis, including at the rectum / anus and buttocks and hip / as) caused herpes simplex virus (VHS), while the Herpes Zoster or by any other name ' shingles' is a skin infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus that causes bubbles in the liquid is almost the entire body.

Herpes zoster infection also said the disease on the skin that is a continuation of the chickenpox (chicken pox) because of a virus attack is the same, only the differences with chickenpox. Herpes zoster have the characteristic pox bubble and a larger group in certain parts of the body, can be at the back, chest or forehead.

# The disease transmission Smallpox (Herpes)

In general, all types of herpes can spread the disease through direct contact. However, the herpes zoster, as happened in the smallpox disease (chickenpox), the process may be through sneezing, coughing, contaminated clothing and touch to the top of the bubble / blister is broken. In the disease Herpes Genitalis (genetalia), transmission occurs through prilaku sex. Herpes genetalis so that the disease is sometimes suffered as a result of the mouth, oral sex. Symptoms may arise in the period 7-21 days after contact someone experienced (the) varicella-zoster virus.

Someone who had experienced chickenpox and then recover, the virus was not 100% lost from the body, but hiding in the ganglion cells in the nervous system dorsalis sensoris people. When the body's resistance (Immun) weakened, the virus will attack again in the form of Herpes zoster which caused the same symptoms of the disease with chickenpox (chickenpox). For someone who has never experienced chickenpox, when the varicella-zoster virus, the disease is not directly experienced a herpes zoster but had chickenpox first.

# The disease and symptoms of Smallpox (Herpes)

Signs and symptoms that arise from the herpes virus attacks in general are fever, headache, breathlessness, sore or stiff dipersendian in one part rubuh, emerging reddish spots on the skin that eventually formed a bubble liquid. Concerns that other people are sometimes felt sick stomach.

# Handling and Medicine Smallpox disease (Herpes)

On smallpox disease is the most important things that keep bubble liquid that is not broken do not leave and a former entrance to the other bacteria (secondary infection), among others, with the talcum powder, which helps smooth skin. When people do not hold with cold weather conditions is not recommended for bathing, because it can cause shock.

Medicines given to the smallpox disease sufferer is intended to reduce the symptoms of complaints such as pain and no fever, for example, given paracetamol. Giving Acyclovir tablets (Desciclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir, and penciclovir) as the antiviral aims to reduce fever, pain, complications and to protect someone from the inability of the body resistance against the herpes virus. Should the drug Acyclovir when the emergence of pain or burning heat on the skin, does not need to wait for the emergence of bubbles liquids (blisters).

In serious condition where the body's resistance sesorang very weak, people with smallpox disease (herpes) should get treatment terapy Doofus (IV) Acyclovir. As prevention efforts should someone get varisela zoster vaccine immunization. In healthy children age 1 - 12 years given one time. Imunasasi can be given once again in puberty to stabilize immune to 60% - 80%. After that, for TO COMPLETE, provide immunization once again when the adults. This immunity can be obtained until 10 years old.

source :

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello friend excellent information about Herpes I have this virus and I also have Impotence and I take valtrex to control the herpes and Generic Viagra thank for sharing this blog

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