Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"Is Kombucha tea the answer to all your health problems? "

Called the 'miracle cure-all', Kombucha has been made at home for health and vitality by many generations right around the world.

Kombucha tea is a powerful health drink, which is reported to be the answer to many health problems.

Pronounced [Com-boo-cha], It is made and drunk right around the world. It has been a 'secret formula' for those 'in the know' and a lifesaver for many a poor person in the less blessed nations.

Kombucha works with your body to boost its natural, inbuilt ability to fight sickness and disease as well as bring a healthy balance back to your metabolism and organs.

Because it has been around for so long, many researchers, chemists and others from the medical profession have spent time investigating the sometimes quite astonishing results from this natural remedy. Even the FDA (food and drug administration) have researched Kombucha, such has been the interest in it.

You have probably heard people say that "anything that is good for you tastes bad." Well, Kombucha doesn't fit into that category.

It is a very pleasant tasting drink, so much so, that many people use it as a drink for guests and special occasions.

Sparkling and a pleasant taste, you can even change the flavour to suit yourself.

Kombucha is made at home and really is pretty simple to make. It also doesn't take up much of your time. I have yet to find anyone who cannot make it.

* Could you have better health?
* Need a stronger immune system?
* Want rid of sickness in your body?
* Want to ensure you stay healthy?
* Could do with more energy and vitality?
* Want better skin?
* Have you 'tummy' problems?

No matter how bad your situation is, you should consider if this inexpensive, easy to make health drink is for you.

You will be able to find in shops, Kombucha made by commercial producers - be careful! Many manufactures of the shop bought Kombucha have to preserve the drink to keep its shelf life - often this involves pasteurisation, which kills a lot of the health giving elements you want to keep.

Like pre-packed frozen dinner, shop-bought Kombucha isn't as good for you as the one you make yourself. kombucha tea smile

This site should tell you all you need to know about making and drinking Kombucha.

Find out what exactly Kombucha is

for more info : http://www.kombuchatea.co.uk/

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