Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bolemia: Evaluation and Treatment

Bolemia is the psychiatric disorder that has the most significant degree of significant physical dysfunction because of the aberrant eating patterns and the problems that occur relative to nutrition. It is a disorder that occurs primarily in We are seeing bolemia gradually extend down into the lower socioeconomic classes. It primarily affects females between the ages of 12 and 20. The instance has increased from about 1:250 twenty years ago, to about 1:100 at the present time. There has indeed been a marked increase in the last 15 -18 years for this disorder. It is commonly seen in individuals who are involved in appearance-related sporting activities or in activities where appearance is a primary determinant of scoring; such as gymnastics, dance, modeling and acting. There’s a significant female predisposition to this with a female to male ratio of eating disorder.

The mortality rate early on was 5% to 10%, and that was primarily because of starvation. The two most likely ways in which an anorexic individual will subsequently lose her life, are from suicide or from organ failure, particularly cardiac dysfunction and cardiac arrhythmias. While one would have expected the mortality rate hopefully to have improved, as we learn a little bit more about this disease. We continue to see, over the course of about six to eight years.

Bolemia nervosa most commonly affects white middle and upper class individuals. Again, females aged 15 to 20. A little bit older. Anorexia we start seeing at 11, 10, 12 years of age. Bulimia oftentimes not until they are 14 or 15 years of age. Incidence is much higher than anorexia nervosa, 2% to 5% in the general population. Much greater than the 1% for anorexia nervosa. And up to 20% in some college surveys. In some surveys of college individuals, up to 20% will have either full-fledged bulimia or at least a lot of bulimic behaviors. There has been a marked increase in the last 15 years. These are again occurring in well-educated, white middle to upper class individuals, 70% have had one to four years of college. About 45% to 50% have gone on to graduate school. Strong female to male ratio of about 10:1. And again, mortality about 2% to 5%. Same causes for mortality in this as in anorexia. Suicide and cardiac arrhythmias.

These individuals begin dieting, but they can’t control the diet to the extent that the anorexic individual ultimately is able to. They get frustrated with the diet. Continue to want to lose weight and try to devise some shortcut by which they can get the weight loss to begin. So they being experimenting with purging behaviors. At first that really is an experimentation. At first, if they overeat just a little bit, "I think I’ll just throw up. I’ll get rid of it by purging by some means." Unfortunately what happens in those individuals is it happens to be an experiment at the front end, maybe doing it once a week, maybe once every couple of days. Then it rapidly evolves over about a month or two to where they are doing it on a daily basis, and then it begins to control them rather than them being able to control it. Evolving then into a typical picture of bolemia nervosa. Again, it’s often a spontaneous thought or perhaps they’ve known another individual or read about it in their health class, about how to get of calories and that’s how the whole process starts.

They then develop progressive escalation of purging behaviors. They are extremely secretive about their behaviors. Even more so than the anorexic. I have had some individuals who have been able, for over 15 years, to hide this from their husband, to hide it from other family members, to hide their bulimic purging behaviors from other individuals. We had a secretary once who worked with about 15 other secretaries.

What are the diagnostic criteria for bolemia nervosa? They are listed on this slide. There are five of those. Again, this is important to have general knowledge of. First of all, they have a problem with eating. They eat in a discreet period of time an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar time and under similar circumstances. So they have a period of engorgement and during this process they can eat for two, two-and-a-half hours at a time. They can consume up to - not uncommonly - 3,000 to 4,000 calories during a sitting.

Another overview :
- Bulimia: An Overview
- Causes of Bulimia
- Health Consequences of Bulimia
- Treating Bulimia
- Bulimia and Pregnancy
- Helping Someone With Bulimia

For more info : http://www.medical-library.org/journals3a/bolemia.htm
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Monday, July 30, 2007

Sepeda (VS) Motor

"Untuk sepeda gw tersayang. Makasih udah memberikan gw hari2 indah, dari ampir ketabrak truk sampe nyasar ke gang2 tikus. Sori gw tinggalin."

Din din din…!!!!

“Woi, Gon! Ayo jalan!”
“Iyo iyo. Bentar, Don. Nih gua lagi pake sepatu.”

Di depan rumah Gon terlihat sebuah mobil mewah keluaran terbaru. Warnanya hijau metalik dan masih bersih mengkilap. Sambil mengunci pintu rumahnya Gon memandangi mobil itu dari plat nomor depan sampai ke knalpot belakang.

“Uih! Mobil baru nih, Don?”
“Iyah. Bokap gua baru beliin dua hari lalu. Oh iya. Si Uceng sama Ronald mau ikut tuh. Jadi sekarang kita jemput dia orang, baru cabut.”
“Oke deh.”

Doni pun menjalankan mobilnya. Ia termasuk satu dari segelintir anak muda yang beruntung punya orang tua kaya nan tajir. Tinggalnya di rumah besar dan dilayani setidaknya dua lusin pembantu (hanya kiasan – red). Sekolahnya pun di sekolah swasta yang bagus, terkenal, dan besar. Dengan kata lain : MAHAL.

Yah… Memang Gon sendiri satu sekolah dengan Doni. Juga dengan si Uceng dan Ronald. Tetapi ia ada di kelas yang berbeda. Ketiga temannya itu bersekolah dengan uang orang tuanya. Doni, di lain pihak, mengandalkan aliran dana beasiswa.

Si Uceng dan Ronald sudah dijemput dan mereka berangkat menuju mall di daerah Jakarta Utara. Rencananya mereka ingin bersenang-senang dalam rangka libur kenaikan kelas ini. Maklum, bersekolah di sekolah swasta mahal hanya dengan uang tidaklah cukup dan mereka harus selalu belajar keras, terutama Gon.

Hari itu masih hari Rabu dan jalanan luar biasa macetnya di tengah hari. Untuk menutup rasa bosan, mereka pun mulai berceloteh ria.

“Eh, lu pada udah nonton film Transformer 3 belom?”, tanya Uceng.
“Udah udah. Widih! Gila tuh film. Keren abisssss,” kata Doni.
“Eh, hari ini kan keluar film baru, tuh. Apa tuh judulnya? Gua lupa,” sahut Ronald.
“Die Hard?”, tanya Gon.
“Iya, iya itu. Nonton yuk entar,” ajak Ronald.
“Yah. Kalo mau nonton film mah jangan di mall entar. Di bioskop deket rumah kita ajah. Kalo enggak salah sih lagi ada promosi. Beli dua gratis satu,” kata Gon.
“Tapi tempatnya kagak nampol, Gon,” kilah Doni.
“Yah… Tapi gue mah udah nonton itu film,” kata Uceng.
“Nonton di mana?!”, seru ketiga temannya.

Si Uceng tersenyum memamerkan deretan giginya dan berkata, “DVD dong!!! Kan ada bajakannya udah keluar dari kemarin-kemarin. Di tempat Abang Yahud tuh. Dia emang paling top deh untuk DVD bajakan.”

“Yee… Gak seruu….”, kata Ronald, “terus-terus? Gimana? Bagus gak?”
“Hahaha… Keren, man! Gua paling suka adegan kejar-kejarannya yang pake mobil,” jawab Uceng.
“Aaahhh…. Kalo soal mobil mah, Fast Furious masih paling bagus. Gak ada yang bisa ngalahin,” kata Doni.
“Eehh…. Di sono ada juga loh adegan ngesot-ngesotannya. Gak kalah keren,” kilah Uceng.
“Don, elu udah bisa nge-drift belom?”, sela Ronald, “ mobil gua kemaren ringsek gara-gara gua nekat. Hehehe…”
“Belum nih…. Gua mau coba gak berani. Hehehe. Gimana caranya sih?”, jawab Doni.
“Teorinya sih,” kata Gon, “harus injek gas sama rem gitu barengan. Trus juga maenin kopling. Gua pernah baca di internet.”
“Iyah, iyah. Eh tapi gua udah bisa burn-out loh!”, kata Doni bangga.
“Alah… kuno…. Itu mah gua dari kecil udah bisa,” kata Uceng.
“Gua malah belum bisa. Itu gimana sih?”, tanya Ronald antusias.

Dan mereka heboh membicarakn pernak-pernik soal mobil. Gon tahu banyak tentang mobil. Sebenarnya, ia tahu banyak hal. Ia senang mencari-cari informasi tentang segala hal. Itu membantunya dalam belajar. Dan Uceng yang agak bawel bingung dengan Gon, mengapa ia bisa tahu banyak tentang mobil. Padahal….

“Lu kan enggak ada mobil, Gon. Kok tau gitu-gituan? Pernah nyoba pae mobil siapa?”, tanya Uceng.
“Ah enggak. Gua cuma liat-liat di internet ajah. Kadang-kadang juga gua suka maen-maen ke bengkel,” jawab Gon.
“Beli aja lah satu. Entar lu bisa jalan rame-rame. Hehehehe..”, kata Ronald.

Gon terdiam sebentar. Wajahnya tiba-tiba murung. Doni yang melihat hal ini, melirik ke Ronald dengan pandangan menghina. “Hus! Ngomong mikir dulu dong!”

Memang ketiga temannya itu sering lupa bahwa Gon berbeda dengan mereka dalam hal keuangan. Tapi Gon segera mengubah paras mukanya dan tersenyum kepada kedua sahabatnya.

“Enggak ah. Gua lebih suka ke mana-mana naek sepeda. Lebih sehat,” kata Gon.

Dengan tujuan membuat candaan untuk menaikkan atmosfer dalam mobil kembali, Doni mencoba menggoda Gon. “Kalo misalnya lu dapet duit sepuluh milyar, lu mau beli mobil apaan Gon?”
“Dikasih uang berapa juga gua bakal tetep naek sepeda, Don. Enak sih,” jawab Gon.
“Lah? Kenapa? Enak apanya? Kan bisa kepanasan sama kehujanan,” celetuk Uceng lagi.
“Soalnya gua udah sehari-hari naek sepeda. Gua udah gak bisa lepas dari sepeda. Malah. Gua sebener tergila-gila sama sepeda. Hehehe. Entar gua kawin mau naek sepeda ah…”, kata Gon.

Dan saat itu, mereka semua tertawa. Atmosfer dalam mobil sudah kembali ringan. Gon tidak peduli teman-temannya memandang dia kasihan dia tidak punya mobil. Padahal, setengah murid di sekolah mereka menyetir mobil sendiri ke sekolah. Sisanya, minimal diantar dengan mobil dan sopir pribadi.

Ia sama sekali tidak peduli. Ia cinta bersepeda. Ia bersepeda ke sekolah. Ia bersepeda ke mall. Ia bersepeda ke rumah sahabat-sahabatnya. Ia senang bersepeda. Hanya itulah yang dia mampu lakukan untuk menunjang pendidikannya. Dan ia senang dengan hal itu.

for more Story : www.kemudian.com
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Merenda Kesunyian ( Bahasa Sunyi from Dimas R. )

"just a fictif poem krn baca Bahasa Sunyinya Dimas R, semoga tidak ada yang bikin gossip .. hehehehehe....""

Ku sulam sunyi
Merajut sepi
Dalam jiwaku
Biarkan rasaku terkubur
Jauh di sudut kelam palung hatiku

Nyanyian jiwaku
Telah lama beku
Saat pelangi di hatiku
Terkoyak dusta
Tercabik khianat
dan ku mulai merenda kesunyian

Biarkan ku sendiri
Dalam hitam putihnya jiwaku
Dunia terlalu ramai untukku
Yang terluka

Ku masih menyulam sepi
Merajut sunyi
Dalam galau di jiwaku
Dan embunpun berubah jadi batu
Ketika mentariku
Menari bersama rembulan

Biarkan ku merenda kesunyian
Diantara luka dan resah jiwaku
Biarkan sepi yang menemani
Dunia terlalu ramai untukku
Yang masih sembilu

31 Juli 2007

for more poem : www.kemudian.com
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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever

The Ebola virus was first identified in a western equatorial province of Sudan and in a nearby region of Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) in 1976 after significant epidemics in Yambuku, northern Zaire, and Nzara, southern Sudan.

Ebola haemorrhagic fever (EHF) is one of the most virulent viral diseases known to humankind, causing death in 50-90% of all clinically ill cases. Several different species of Ebola virus have been identified.

The Ebola virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, body fluids and tissues of infected persons.Transmission of the Ebola virus has also occurred by handling ill or dead infected chimpanzees.

Ebola is both the common term used to describe a group of viruses belonging to genus Ebolavirus, family Filoviridae, and the common name for the disease which they cause, Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The viruses are characterised by a long, filamentous morphology and surrounded by a lipid viral envelope. Ebolaviruses are morphologically similar to the Marburg virus, also in the family Filoviridae, and share similar disease symptoms. It has caused a number of serious and highly publicized outbreaks since its discovery, as well as featuring as the gruesome antagonist in many forms of entertainment.

Ebola is believed to be a zoonotic virus. Despite considerable effort by the World Health Organization no animal reservoir capable of sustaining the virus between outbreaks has been identified. However, it has been hypothesized that the most likely candidate is the fruit bat. In the absence of knowing where the reservoir lies, the World Health Organization has taken serious steps to ensure that all known Biosafety Level 4 agents (including Ebola) are carefully and properly contained.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is potentially lethal and encompasses a range of symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, general body pain, internal and external bleeding, and fever. Mortality rates are generally high, ranging from 50% - 90%, with the cause of death usually due to hypovolemic shock or organ failure.

Because Ebola is potentially lethal and since no approved vaccine or treatment is available, Ebola is classified as a biosafety level 4 agent, as well as a Category A bioterrorism agent by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It has the potential to be weaponized for use during biological warfare and was investigated for this particular use by both the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War.

for more Info :
- http://www.who.int/csr/disease/ebola/en/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola

another relate link:
- Etymology

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Lithuanian Food Traditions

Lithuanians like to eat good, tasty and filling foods. The tradition of eating well is inherited from our ancestors, who would say, he who eats well, works well.
Lithuanian cooks prepare simple but tasty foods. A good cook can create delicious meals using simple ingredients. It is said that each cook stirs the cookpot in her manner.

The traditional food preparer was and is mother, her knowledge and capabilities are handed down to the next female generation. Before food was prepared using only seasonal products, however during the last twenty-five years, fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs have been available all year round, imported or grown locally. The same applies to meat, now more fresh meat is used than salted or smoked.
Lithuanian traditional cuisine took shape over many centuries and was much influenced by cultural contacts with neighboring nations. A good example is potato cake - kugelis, which Lithuanians adapted from the German kitchen. This has now become a favorite dish throughout Lithuania.

Lithuania is divided into five ethnic regions. This regional division is evident in foods that are particular to each region. The Highlanders, Aukätai‹iai, live in the rich loam, northeast region, and are known for their various pancakes and cottage cheese dishes. The Samogitians, eemai‹iai, inhabit the northwest region and have their special sour butter, porridges and many gruels. Dzukai are the people of the southeast region, where the soil is sandy and forested. They are main growers and users of buckwheat in all its forms, as well as mushrooms and potatoes. Suvalkie‹iai, people of the southwestern region favor smoked meats, sausages and zeppelins. Fish plays an important role in the diet of the seacoast Lithuanians and also of those living near lakes and rivers. These differences are less evident today than they were in olden times. However, the tradition of regional foods continues.
Lithuanians usually eat three times per day, but during periods of hard and intense work, especially in summer, mid morning and late afternoon snacks are added to the daily eating routine. The most filling, sumptuous meals are breakfast and lunch. Porridges, pancakes and soups for breakfast, soups, meat and potatoes for lunch. In the evening, dinner is a light meal. However, one does have a square meal, for the ancient Lithuanians said that there is no sleep on an empty stomach.
Lithuanians consider eating a holy event and behavior at table is like in church, quiet, orderly and reverential. Each family member had his permanent place at the table, with father sitting at the head of the table, mother sitting opposite father, the oldest son to father right, and the remaining members next to the son. The traditional seating at table is now practiced mainly during feast days, when the entire family gathers.

Today the ancient tradition of placing bread first on the table is still observed. Should a visitor arrive when the family is at table, the visitor greets the eaters with "skanaus" (bon appetite). If father answers "prasom"(you're welcome), it means do join us. However, if the answer is "aciu" (thank you), the visitor is not invited to join in the eating. When the meal is finished, the spoon is turned upside down, to show that one has eaten well and the food was delicious.
No one leaves the table until everyone has finished eating and has thanked the cook, mother, who in her turn answers "I sveikata" (to your health).
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Russian Food

Main Courses:
Omelets - usually eaten in the morning
Sausages – usually served two sausages with ketchup
Pelmeni - favourite Russian dish
Pelmeni. (Photo from Kuking.Net)
Chops (kotlety) – made of various kind of meat in various regions
Pelmeny – (on the photo) the small balls of minced meat covered with the pastry
Vareniky – it looks like pelmeny however inside the pastry there is no meat but berries, potato or curds
Steak (otbivnaya) – beef and pork ones are most popular
Beef stroganov – pieces of beef prepared with cream sauce
Kiev style chicken (kotleta po-kievsky) – the special type of chicken chop with butter inside
Potato with mushrooms - favourite countryside meal

Russian Cuisine: Main Courses Recipes —
Abbreviations: ea - Each, tb - Table spoon, sm - Small, c - Cup, ts - Tea spoon, lg - Large. Recipes coutesy of RusCuisine.Net

Vegetable Meals

Draniki recipe
Ingredients : 12 medium potatoes , 1-2 tbsp flour, 7-8 tbsp vegetable oil , 1 egg, 100-200 g of salted pork fat, 1/2 glass of sour milk, salt
1. Peel the potatoes and grate them, add flour, sour milk or kefir, egg, salt and mix everything.
2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Lay the potato mass with a tablespoon in separate small pan-cakes (each no more then 10 cm / 4" in diameter). Cook until crisp and browned, then turn on the other side.
3. Serve hot with sour cream.

Sauerkraut recipe
Ingredients : 1 bushel cabbage (fall cabbage-must be hard and dark green; yellowish summer cabbage will go soft), 2 pounds pickling salt
Shred cabbage. Put into crock in layers.
Sprinkle salt on each layer then pound with a 2 x 4 piece of wood until juice comes out. Put in another layer of cabbage, then salt, and pound. Continue in this way until crock is full.
When crock is full, mix. Cover with a plate and weigh down with a rock so it is below surface of the juice. Cover crock with a dish towel and store in summer kitchen/garage/cold cellar.
After it is fermented, it can be stored in jars by bring to a boil, putting in jars and sealing by heating jars.

Potato vareniki recipe:
Ingredients : 2 pounds potatoes, cooked (save water from cooked potatoes) , 2 onions chopped , 1 stick margarine , Salt and pepper , 2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt
Cook potatoes in simmering water until soft and put them through a potato ricer. Saute onion in margarine until very soft, add 1/2 of the onions to the potatoes and season with salt and pepper.
Sift flour and salt into a bowl. Add vegetable oil and enough water to make a soft dough and mix until the dough no longer sticks to the hands. Cover dough and let rest for about 15 minutes. Roll out dough on a floured board to a 1/4-inch thickness. Cut dough into small squares and place a dollop of potato mixture in the center of each square. Fold dough, pinch ends to form a triangle. When all are made, put into boiling water and boil for about 10 minutes.
When all are cooked, drain and serve with the remaining sauteed onions on top.

Meat Dishes:

New: Pelmeni recipe
Ingredients: 2 c flour, 1 c milk or water, 1/2 ts salt, 1 tb vegetable oil, 3 eggs, 250 g beef, 250 g pork, 1 onion, salt and pepper to taste.
1. Grind beef and pork twice in meat chopper. Then add chopped onion, salt, and pepper. To make mincemeat more tender and juicy, add a bit of milk. Reserve.
2. Mix flour with eggs and milk, salt and oil until a soft dough forms. Knead on floured surface until dough is elastic.
3. Take some dough and make a "sausage" (1 inch in diameter). Divide into pieces (1 inch thick). Roll each piece so that each is 1/16 inch thick.
4. Take a glass or a cup (2 inches in diameter) and make rounds with it's help on the dough. Fill each round with 1 teaspoon of the mincemeat, fold into half-moons.
5. Pinch edges together and connect the opposite sides. Pelmeni can be frozen to be cooked later ( you can keep them in the freezer for a long time), or cooked immediately.
6. To cook pelmeni, boil a large amount of water, as they can stick to each other. Salt water. Carefully drop pelmeni into boiling water. Don't forget to stir them from time to time. Boil for 20 minutes.
5. Served with butter, sour cream or vinegar, and ketchup.

Beef Stroganov recipe

Ingredients : 2 lbs Tenderloin of beef - cut into very thin strips, 10 Allspice berries- freshly ground (2 tsp. dried ground), 1/4 lb. Butter (2 Tbs. reserved), 3 Tbs. Flour, 2 cups Estouffade (brown veal stock may also be used), 1 tsp. dijon mustard , 2-4 Tbs. Sour cream (more as desired), Salt and pepper to taste
To make one gallon Estouffade (can be stord for up to three days in the refrigerator or up to three months frozen): 2 lbs. Veal bones , 2 lbs. Beef Bones, 1 Unsmoked ham knuckle, 1 lb. Mirepoix - coarsely cut, 1/2 lb. onion, 1/4 lb. carrot , 1/4 lb. celery , 10 oz.
Tomato paste, Sachet d'epices , Salt to taste ( optional) 6 qts. Cold water
Season tenderloin with salt and allspice. Saute' the beef in butter to desired doneness. Remove from pan and keep warm.
Lower heat and add 2 Tbs. butter and 2 tbs. of the flour. Add more flour if needed. Fry lightly over moderately low heat until the roux slowly turns a golden straw colour.
Gradually add the Estouffade, whisking constantly to avoid lumping. When well blended add mustard and a little pepper. Simmer over medium heat about ten mins. Add sour cream to pan, stirring constantly until desired consistency is reached ( to cover back of a spoon).
Reheat meat in the sauce taking care that the sauce does not boil.
To make Estouffade:
Preheat the oven to 450F. Rinse all of the bones and dry them thoroughly. Arrange the bones in a roasting pan and roast in the oven 30 to 40 mins. until a rich brown colour is achieved. Transfer bones to a stockpot and add ham knuckle. Add water and bring the mixture slowly to a boil. Simmer, skimming the surface as necessary. After about 41/2 hours: Brown the mirepoix and tomato paste in the same roasting pan. when vegetables are soft and very slightly carmelized add to the stockpot. Deglaze the roasting pan with water and add to the stock. Add the sachet d'epices.
Simmer an additional hour (approx. six hours in all). Strain Russian

Zharkoye recipe
Ingredients : 300 g beef, 5 ea potatoes ,1 ea onion, 2 tb butter, 1 ea carrot , 1 ea parsley root, 1 ea celery root , 2 ea garlic cloves ,1 tb sour cream , 2 tb chopped green dill and parsley, salt, ground, pepper .
Peel potatoes, wash, cut into cubes and fry in butter until light golden. Slice onion and fry in butter until golden. Cut carrot into small cubes and fry in butter. Cube beef and fry in butter until light brown. In a ceramic pot, put beef, potatoes, onion, carrot, roots, garlic, season with salt and pepper and pour over a little broth. Stew in the oven on average heat for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before, add sour cream and sprinkle with green. Serve Zharkoye with salad from fresh vegetables, pickles, sauerkraut and green.

Beef Stroganoff recipe
Ingredients : 1 kg beef (boneless), 4 tb flour, 4 tb ketchup , 150 g sour cream , 2 c broth , 1 tb flour pounded with butter , 1 ea onion , salt to taste ,pepper
Chop the meat long wise fibers (fibres) and beat the pieces a
little. After that cut the pieces into stripes 2 cm long and 1/2
cm wide. Season and roll them in flour. Fry chopped onion in the
pan and when it is gold brown, put the stripes there. Fry on
hot heat until the meat is light brown.
Make a sauce: fry 1 tb flour pounded with butter for few minutes,
add sour cream, ketchup, salt. Pour the sauce over meat and stew
on a low heat during 15-20 minutes. Don't let sauce to boil,
overwise the meat will be hard.

Shashlik recipe
Ingredients : 3 lb Lamb, cut from leg , 2 sm Onion, finely-minced , 4 lg Garlic, cloves, fine-minced , 2 lg Shallot, minced , 2 tb Parsley, freshly-chopped , 2 1/2 c Pomegranate juice, unsweet, 4 tb Corn oil , 8 ds Cayenne pepper .
Trim away all fat from meat. Cut into 2" chunks. Place in small bowl together with onion, garlic, shallot, parsley, cayenne pepper and pomegranate juice. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Remove meat from marinade and pat dry. Skewer the meat, using four substantial skewers. Brush with oil. Broil under very high heat, turning often until done. Some prefer it slightly pink (12 minutes). Well done will take about 20 minutes. Remove from skewers and serve on a heated plate with Kasha. VARIATIONS: Include 2 green peppers cut into 12 chunks, 4 tomatoes cut into quarters, and 4 small, white onions, peeled and cut in half. Skewer alternate chunks of vegetable and meat chunks. Proceed according to recipe.

Sausage recipe
Ingredients : 5 pounds coarse ground pork , 2 ea large chopped onions , 2 tb pressed garlic , 1 c fresh parsley chopped , 3 tb dill seeds , 3 tb caraway seeds , 1 tb black pepper , 1 tb salt, 2 c water
Combine all ingredients and mix then, let sit over night, mix again and stuff into hogcasing.
Bake at 350 deg., approximately 1 hour.

Moscow Chicken recipe
Ingredients : 200 g chicken fillet , 30 g onion , 50 g mushrooms , 50 g sour cream , 1 tb butter 150 g cooked rice , flour, dill, salt, spices; for dough: 60 g flour, 2 tb water ,
Grease chicken fillets with salt and fry in onion and mushrooms. Set a pan with oil aside. Place chicken in a baking pot. Add flour in a pan and fry until golden, pour in sour cream and bring to a boil. Pour the sauce over chicken, add chopped dill.
Make dough and roll out a round to cover the pot. Cover the pot tightly and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at the average heat. Serve in pots with rice for garnish.

Mushrooms in Sour cream recipe
Ingredients :1 1/2 kg white mushrooms , 2 tb butter , 2 ea onion ,1 1/2 c beef stock , 1 tbs flour, 1 c sour cream, salt and pepper
Wash mushrooms in cold water, cut into thin pieces, slicing the mushroom along its length to preserve its form. Place butter in covered pan, add the mushrooms, add some finely chopped onions that have been separately cooked, a little salt and pepper, and cook the mushrooms until they are medium soft, at which point reduce the heat to a very low level. Add beef stock, mixed with flour over very low heat until the consistency of gravy has been reached, to mushrooms and then add sour cream and mix. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

The recipes above are taken from the website RusCuisine.Com.

info from : http://www.waytorussia.net/WhatIsRussia/RussianFood/MainCourses.html

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Traditional New Year Foods : Dim Sum from China

Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year. Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died.

On New Year's Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai. Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them:

* Lotus seed - signify having many male offspring

* Ginkgo nut - represents silver ingots

* Black moss seaweed - is a homonym for exceeding in wealth

* Dried bean curd is another homonym for fulfillment of wealth and happiness

* Bamboo shoots - is a term which sounds like "wishing that everything would be well"

* Fresh bean curd or tofu is not included as it is white and unlucky for New Year as the color signifies death and misfortune.

Other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity. The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.

In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed leaves), another popular delicacy.

In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat dumplings were the preferred food. The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household.

for more info : http://www.educ.uvic.ca/faculty/mroth/438/CHINA/traditional_foods.html

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Skin care: Top 5 habits for healthy skin

Proactive skin care, from skin protection to proper shaving technique, will help you keep your skin youthful and healthy.

Your busy lifestyle leaves little time for pampering skin care. The result: Your skin isn't the baby-soft body glove with which you were born. With age, your skin gradually becomes thinner and finely wrinkled. Oil-producing (sebaceous) glands grow less active leaving your skin drier. The number of blood vessels in your skin decreases, your skin becomes more fragile, and you lose your youthful color and glow.

Good skin care — such as avoiding the sun, washing your skin gently and applying
moisturizer regularly — can help delay the natural aging process and prevent many skin problems. These simple skin-care habits will help you protect your skin to keep it healthy and glowing for years to come.

1. Protect yourself from the sun

The best way to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. Ultraviolet light — the invisible but intense rays of the sun — damages your skin, causing deep wrinkles, dry, rough skin, liver spots, and more serious disorders, such as noncancerous (benign) and cancerous (malignant) skin tumors.

For the most complete sun protection, use all three of these methods:

* Avoid the sun during high-intensity hours. The sun's rays are most damaging from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Reduce the time you spend outdoors during these hours.
* Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Also, keep in mind that certain clothing styles and fabrics offer better protection from the sun than do others. For example, long-sleeved shirts offer better protection than short-sleeved shirts do. And tightly woven fabrics such as denim are better than loosely woven fabrics such as knits.
* Use sunscreen. Apply sunscreen liberally 20 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every two hours, after heavy sweating or after being in water.


* Sun protection quiz: Can sunscreen alone prevent sun damage?
* Sun damage: The true price of tanning

2. Don't smoke

Smoking can accelerate the normal aging process of your skin, contributing to wrinkles. Skin changes from smoking can be seen in young adults who have been smoking for as few as 10 years.

Smoking causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin. This decreases blood flow, depleting the skin of oxygen and nutrients, such as vitamin A, that are important to skin health. All of these factors increase damage to the elastic fibers (elastin) and collagen which give your skin strength and elasticity.

In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — may contribute to wrinkles. It's also possible that repeated exposure to the heat from burning cigarettes may damage your facial skin over time.


* Chantix: New stop smoking medication to help you quit
* Nicotine dependence

3. Wash your skin gently

Cleaning is an essential part of caring for your skin. The key is to treat your skin gently.

* Use warm water and limit bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower time to about 15 minutes or less, and use warm, rather than hot, water.
* Avoid strong soaps. Strong soaps — those most capable of stripping oil from your skin — can leave your skin dry. Instead, choose mild soaps with oils and fats added to them during the soap manufacturing process.
* Avoid irritating additives. If your skin is sensitive, avoid products containing perfumes or dyes. These can irritate your skin and may trigger an allergic response.
* Remove eye makeup carefully. Use a soft sponge, cotton cloth or cotton balls when removing eye makeup to avoid damaging the delicate tissue around your eyes. If you wear heavy, waterproof makeup, you may need to use an oil-based product such as petroleum jelly.
* Pat dry. After washing or bathing, gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains on the skin. Immediately moisturize your skin with an oil or cream.

4. Moisturize regularly

Moisturizers help maintain your skin's natural moisture levels. They work by providing a seal over your skin — to keep water from escaping — or by slowly releasing water into your skin.

The moisturizer that's best for you and the frequency with which you need to moisturize depends on many factors, including your skin type, your age and whether you have specific conditions such as acne. A good way to test if you need a moisturizer is to wait 20 minutes after bathing. If your skin feels tight, you should apply a moisturizer.

Select a moisturizer with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 to help protect your skin from damaging ultraviolet rays. If you have sensitive skin, look for products free of heavy dyes, perfumes or other additives. If your skin is very dry, you may want to apply an oil, such as baby oil, while your skin is still moist. Oil has more staying power than moisturizers do and prevents the evaporation of water from the surface of your skin. If your skin is oily, you may want to skip moisturizing.


* Dry skin

5. Shave carefully

Shaving is a common and inexpensive way to remove unwanted hair. But shaving can cause skin irritations, especially if your skin is thin, dry or very sensitive. For a smooth shave:

* Press a warm wash cloth on your skin before shaving to soften the hair. Or shave after a warm bath or shower.
* Don't shave dry skin, which can cause razor burn. Apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving to protect and lubricate your skin.
* Use a clean, sharp razor. If using an electric razor, don't use the closest setting, which can irritate the skin.
* Shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it.
* Rinse your skin afterwards with warm water.

If irritation does occur, apply a lotion that doesn't contain ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. Though alcohol and alcohol-based products may feel cooling, they don't really soothe irritated skin because the alcohol evaporates rapidly from the skin.


* Hair removal: Does shaving make it grow back thicker?

for more info detail : http://www.mayoclinic.com
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Networking Basics: Part 1 - Networking Hardware

The first piece of hardware that I want to discuss is a network adapter. There are many different names for network adapters, including network cards, Network Interface Cards, NICs. These are all generic terms for the same piece of hardware. A network card’s job is to physically attach a computer to a network, so that the computer can participate in network communications.

The first thing that you need to know about network cards is that the network card has to match the network medium. The network medium refers to the type of cabling that is being used on the network. Wireless networks are a science all their own, and I will talk about them in a separate article.

Figure link :
- Tumbnail for Figure A
- Tumbnail for Figure B
- Tumbnail for Figure C
- Tumbnail for Figure D

At one time making sure that a network card matched the network medium was a really big deal, because there were a large number of competing standards in existence. For example, before you built a network and started buying network cards and cabling, you had to decide if you were going to use Ethernet, coaxal Ethernet, Token Ring, Arcnet, or one of the other networking standards of the time. Each networking technology had its strengths and weaknesses, and it was important to figure out which one was the most appropriate for your organization.

Today, most of the networking technologies that I mentioned above are quickly becoming extinct. Pretty much the only type of wired network used by small and medium sized businesses is Ethernet. You can see an example of an Ethernet network card, shown in Figure A.

Figure A: This is what an Ethernet card looks like

Modern Ethernet networks use twisted pair cabling containing eight wires. These wires are arranged in a special order, and an RJ-45 connecter is crimped onto the end of the cable. An RJ-45 cable looks like the connector on the end of a phone cord, but it’s bigger. Phone cords use RJ-11 connectors as opposed to the RJ-45 connectors used by Ethernet cable. You can see an example of an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector, shown in Figure B.

Figure B

Figure B: This is an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector installed

Hubs and Switches

As you can see, computers use network cards to send and receive data. The data is transmitted over Ethernet cables. However, you normally can’t just run an Ethernet cable between two PCs and call it a network.

In this day and age of high speed Internet access being almost universally available, you tend to hear the term broadband thrown around a lot. Broadband is a type of network in which data is sent and received across the same wire. In contrast, Ethernet uses Baseband communications. Baseband uses separate wires for sending and receiving data. What this means is that if one PC is sending data across a particular wire within the Ethernet cable, then the PC that is receiving the data needs to have the wire redirected to its receiving port.

You can actually network two PCs together in this way. You can create what is known as a cross over cable. A cross over cable is simply a network cable that has the sending and receiving wires reversed at one end, so that two PCs can be linked directly together.

The problem with using a cross over cable to build a network is that the network will be limited to using no more and no less than two PCs. Rather than using a cross over cable, most networks use normal Ethernet cables that do not have the sending and receiving wires reversed at one end.

Of course the sending and receiving wires have to be reversed at some point in order for communications to succeed. This is the job of a hub or a switch. Hubs are starting to become extinct, but I want to talk about them any way because it will make it easier to explain switches later on.

There are different types of hubs, but generally speaking a hub is nothing more than a box with a bunch of RJ-45 ports. Each computer on a network would be connected to a hub via an Ethernet cable. You can see a picture of a hub, shown in Figure C.

Figure C

Figure C: A hub is a device that acts as a central connection point for computers on a network

A hub has two different jobs. Its first job is to provide a central point of connection for all of the computers on the network. Every computer plugs into the hub (multiple hubs can be daisy chained together if necessary in order to accommodate more computers).

The hub’s other job is to arrange the ports in such a way so that if a PC transmits data, the data is sent over the other computer’s receive wires.

Right now you might be wondering how data gets to the correct destination if more than two PCs are connected to a hub. The secret lies in the network card. Each Ethernet card is programmed at the factory with a unique Media Access Control (MAC) address. When a computer on an Ethernet network transmits data across an Ethernet network containing PCs connected to a hub, the data is actually sent to every computer on the network. As each computer receives the data, it compares the destination address to its own MAC address. If the addresses match then the computer knows that it is the intended recipient, otherwise it ignores the data.

As you can see, when computers are connected via a hub, every packet gets sent to every computer on the network. The problem is that any computer can send a transmission at any given time. Have you ever been on a conference call and accidentally started to talk at the same time as someone else? This is the same thing that happens on this type of network.

When a PC needs to transmit data, it checks to make sure that no other computers are sending data at the moment. If the line is clear, it transmits the necessary data. If another computer tries to communicate at the same time though, then the packets of data that are traveling across the wire collide and are destroyed (this is why this type of network is sometimes referred to as a collision domain). Both PCs then have to wait for a random amount of time and attempt to retransmit the packet that was destroyed.

As the number of PCs on a collision domain increases, so does the number of collisions. As the number of collisions increase, network efficiency is decreased. This is why switches have almost completely replaced hubs.

A switch, such as the one shown in Figure D, performs all of the same basic tasks as a hub. The difference is that when a PC on the network needs to communicate with another PC, the switch uses a set of internal logic circuits to establish a dedicated, logical path between the two PCs. What this means is that the two PCs are free to communicate with each other, without having to worry about collisions.

Figure D

Figure D: A switch looks a lot like a hub, but performs very differently

Switches greatly improve a network’s efficiency. Yes, they eliminate collisions, but there is more to it than that. Because of the way that switches work, they can establish parallel communications paths. For example, just because computer A is communicating with computer B, there is no reason why computer C can’t simultaneously communicate with computer D. In a collision domain, these types of parallel communications would be impossible because they would result in collisions.

another link support :
- Networking Basics: Part 2 - Routers
- Networking Basics: Part 3 - DNS Servers
- Networking Basics: Part 4 - Workstations and Servers
- Networking Basics: Part 5 - Domain Controllers
- Networking Basics: Part 6 - Windows Domain
- Networking Basics: Part 7 - Introduction to FSMO Roles
- Networking Basics: Part 8 - FSMO Roles continued
- Networking Basics: Part 9 – Active Directory Information
- Networking Basics: Part 10 - Distinguished Names

for more info : http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Networking-Basics-Part1.html

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47 RONIN (Kisah 47 Ronin)

The tale of the Forty-Seven Ronin, also known as the Forty-Seven Samurai, the Akō vendetta, the Akō Wandering Samurai (赤穂浪士, Akō rōshi?), or the Genroku Akō Incident (元禄赤穂事件, Genroku akō jiken?), is a prototypical Japanese story. Described by one noted Japan scholar as the country's "national legend" [2], it recounts the most famous case involving the samurai code of honor, Bushidō.

The story tells of a group of samurai who were left leaderless (became ronin) after their daimyo-master was forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) for assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka, whose title was kōzuké-no-suké. The ronin avenged their master's honor after patiently waiting and planning for over a year to kill Kira. In turn, the ronin were themselves forced to commit seppuku — as they had known they would be — for committing the crime of murder. With little embellishment, this true story was popularized in Japanese culture as emblematic of the loyalty, sacrifice, persistence and honor which all good people should preserve in their daily lives. The popularity of the almost mythical tale was only enhanced by rapid modernization during the Meiji era of Japanese history, when many people in Japan longed for a return to their cultural roots.

While sources do differ as to some of the details, the version given below was carefully assembled from a large range of historical sources, including some still-extant eye-witness accounts of various portions of the saga. The sequence of events and the characters in this historical narrative were presented to a wide, popular readership in the West with the 1871 publication of A.B. Mitford's Tales of Old Japan.[1]

Fictionalized accounts of these events are known as Chūshingura. The story was popularized in numerous plays including bunraku and kabuki; because of the censorship laws of the shogunate in the Genroku era which forbade portrayal of current events, the names were changed. While the version given by the playwrights may have come to be accepted as historical fact by some, the Chushingura was written some 50 years after the fact; and numerous historical records about the actual events which pre-date the Chushingura survive. The bakufu's censorship laws had relaxed somewhat 75 years later, when Japanologist Isaac Titsingh first recorded the story of the 47 ronin as one of the significant events of the Genroku era.

for indonesian books

for more info : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty-seven_Ronin
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

DNA [Deoxyribonucleic Acid]

Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is a nucleic acid molecule that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The main role of DNA is the long-term storage of information and it is often compared to a set of blueprints, since DNA contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information.

Chemically, DNA is a long polymer of simple units called nucleotides, with a backbone made of sugars and phosphate atoms joined by ester bonds. Attached to each sugar is one of four types of molecules called bases. It is the sequence of these four bases along the backbone that encodes information. This information is read using the genetic code, which specifies the sequence of the amino acids within proteins. The code is read by copying stretches of DNA into the related nucleic acid RNA, in a process called transcription. Most of these RNA molecules are used to synthesize proteins, but others are used directly in structures such as ribosomes and spliceosomes.

Within cells, DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes and the set of chromosomes within a cell make up a genome. These chromosomes are duplicated before cells divide, in a process called DNA replication. Eukaryotic organisms such as animals, plants, and fungi store their DNA inside the cell nucleus, while in prokaryotes such as bacteria it is found in the cell's cytoplasm. Within the chromosomes, chromatin proteins such as histones compact and organize DNA, which helps control its interactions with other proteins and thereby control which genes are transcribed

another DNA detail : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA#Physical_and_chemical_properties

for more detail : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA
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TYRANTS: Historys 100 Most Despots & Dictators

An astonishing compendium of dictators and their crimes against the State. The scope of entries is an all-encompassing chronicle of tyrants. They range from the bizarre to the horrific, from the heartbreaking to the ridiculous. The book includes 100 of history's most infamous despots. In vivid detail it tells the story of the lives that led them to power. And, of course, the destruction and sorrow they invariably left in their wake. These are gripping and compelling portraits of the darker side of power that also disclose the strange and grisly stories that haunt the world's most infamous leaders.

Product details

* Hardcover: 208 pages
* Publisher: Arcturus foulsham (23 Sep 2004)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0572030258
* ISBN-13: 978-0572030254
* Product Dimensions: 29.8 x 21.4 x 2.4 cm
* Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank: 282,532 in Books (See Bestsellers in Books)
(Publishers and authors: Improve Your Sales)

for more info : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tyrants-Historys-Most-Despots-Dictators/dp/0572030258
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"Is Kombucha tea the answer to all your health problems? "

Called the 'miracle cure-all', Kombucha has been made at home for health and vitality by many generations right around the world.

Kombucha tea is a powerful health drink, which is reported to be the answer to many health problems.

Pronounced [Com-boo-cha], It is made and drunk right around the world. It has been a 'secret formula' for those 'in the know' and a lifesaver for many a poor person in the less blessed nations.

Kombucha works with your body to boost its natural, inbuilt ability to fight sickness and disease as well as bring a healthy balance back to your metabolism and organs.

Because it has been around for so long, many researchers, chemists and others from the medical profession have spent time investigating the sometimes quite astonishing results from this natural remedy. Even the FDA (food and drug administration) have researched Kombucha, such has been the interest in it.

You have probably heard people say that "anything that is good for you tastes bad." Well, Kombucha doesn't fit into that category.

It is a very pleasant tasting drink, so much so, that many people use it as a drink for guests and special occasions.

Sparkling and a pleasant taste, you can even change the flavour to suit yourself.

Kombucha is made at home and really is pretty simple to make. It also doesn't take up much of your time. I have yet to find anyone who cannot make it.

* Could you have better health?
* Need a stronger immune system?
* Want rid of sickness in your body?
* Want to ensure you stay healthy?
* Could do with more energy and vitality?
* Want better skin?
* Have you 'tummy' problems?

No matter how bad your situation is, you should consider if this inexpensive, easy to make health drink is for you.

You will be able to find in shops, Kombucha made by commercial producers - be careful! Many manufactures of the shop bought Kombucha have to preserve the drink to keep its shelf life - often this involves pasteurisation, which kills a lot of the health giving elements you want to keep.

Like pre-packed frozen dinner, shop-bought Kombucha isn't as good for you as the one you make yourself. kombucha tea smile

This site should tell you all you need to know about making and drinking Kombucha.

Find out what exactly Kombucha is

for more info : http://www.kombuchatea.co.uk/
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Spore Slip Sliding Away

The latest Game Informer reports that Spore has been "delayed indefinitely", but reached for comment today, Electronic Arts says that "Spore has slipped out of fiscal 08 and into fiscal 09". Either way you cut it, it means that the game we've all been waiting to play on our computers isn't coming anytime soon.

With all of the videos we've seen of gameplay showing off the different stages of Spore development and all of the media stops Will Wright has done talking about the game, it's kinda hard to figure out exactly what is taking so long. Could they be trying to port it to a console for a dual launch? Did the game need a major overhaul? Does Will Wright hate me and just like torturing me with some sort of non-existent Sisyphusian game?

Actually, I don't really care what the reasons are, I just want me some Spore. Brian Crecente

for more info: http://kotaku.com/gaming/pc/spore-slip-sliding-away-270324.php
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How Much Green Tea Do You Need?

By now you know that green tea catechins can do great things for your health. But how much green tea do you need on a daily basis to experience the health benefits? Most studies have concluded that the "magic number" lies somewhere between 300 -1,000 mg. of catechins per day, or the equivalent of 3-10 cups of green tea. This recommendation is based on the idea that the average cup of green tea contains 100 mg. of catechins per cup. However, studies have shown that some cups of green tea contain only half that amount or even less.

The variation in catechin content is probably due to the fact that green tea leaves are a crop like any other. They can be young or old, fresh or stale, from rich or poor soil. And during harvesting, processing and packaging, the tea leaves can be exposed to different conditions that either preserve or destroy their nutrients. The way you handle, brew and store your green tea at home can also make a difference in the catechin content.

With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you protect and preserve the catechins in your green tea and maximize their health benefits:
Use flow-through tea bags instead of flat tea bags, so the water can easily circulate through the leaves and the catechins can be released efficiently.
Use purified water, as the chlorine in tap water degrades the catechins and destroys the subtle flavor of green tea.
Avoid tea kettles made of metal alloys containing iron since iron lowers the antioxidant of activity of catechins.1 Kettles made of high-grade stainless steel, nickel-plated metal alloys, copper,polypropylene plastic, lead-free porcelain or glass are best.
Bring the water to a full boil and add to the tea immediately. Steeping tea leaves at 212° F for five minutes releases approximately 80 percent of the catechins. In contrast, the catechin release is over one-third less when tea is steeped at 176° F.2
Don’t put the tea leaves in water and then microwave them. This will "overcook" them and destroy some of the catechins.
Keep your tea in an airtight container in the refrigerator, even if it comes in pre-packaged bags. This will keep the tea leaves fresher and help preserve the catechins.

Although it may sound a little complicated, making a health-enhancing, delicious cup of tea is really easy. As Senno Rikyu, the Greatest of all Tea Masters, said back in the 16th century: "Tea is nothing other than this: Heat the water, prepare the tea and drink it with propriety. That is all you need to know."

1 Kumamoto M, Sonda T, Nagayama K, Tabata M. Effects of pH and metal ions on antioxidative activities of catechins. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2001:65:126-32.
2 Khokhar S, Magnusdottir SG. Total phenol, catechin, and caffeine contents of teas commonly consumed in the United Kingdom. J Agric Food Chem 2002; 50(3):565-70

for more info : http://www.greentea.com/Nadine%20Taylor.asp

another info about "What is Green Tea, Anyway?" : www.halamansatu.net Read More..

Monday, July 23, 2007

Stomach Disorders

Also called: Gastric disorders

The stomach is an organ between the esophagus and the small intestine. It is where digestion of protein begins. The stomach has three tasks. It stores swallowed food. It mixes the food with stomach acids. Then it sends the mixture on to the small intestine.

You have probably had a problem with your stomach at one time or another. Indigestion and heartburn are common problems. You can relieve some stomach problems with over-the-counter medicines and lifestyle changes, such as avoiding fatty foods or eating more slowly. Other problems like peptic ulcers or GERD require medical attention.

You should see a doctor if you have any of the following:

* Blood when you have a bowel movement
* Severe abdominal pain
* Heartburn not relieved by antacids
* Unintended weight loss
* Ongoing vomiting or diarrhea

For more info :
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Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born in the stench of eighteenth century Paris, develops a superior olfactory sense, which he uses to create the world's finest perfumes. His work, however, takes a dark turn as he tries to preserve scents in the search for the ultimate perfume.

Perfume is set in the colourful backdrop of 18th century France centering on the life of an unfortunate boy, Jean Baptiste, born in the slums of a Paris fish market. Left for dead amongst rotting fish guts, he inhales the plethora of scents around him. He is rescued by some passers by and is subsequently placed in an orphanage. He is an odd child and a social outcast. Possibly as a result of his traumatic birth, he is blessed with outstanding olfactory senses: from early childhood he displays an uncanny ability for discerning the individual smells of everything around him. The twists and turns of his early life are one continuous tragic story. His quest is to learn the art of perfume making and, once taught, Jean Baptise desires to make the ultimate perfume. His skilfully crafted perfumes have the ability to provoke unexpected reactions in both the wearer and the recipient. During his apprenticeship, he discovers he has no personal smell and is initially devastated. On his journey to create olfactory perfection, he seeks alternative ingredients to his perfumes and, in doing so, leaves a grisly trail...
Written by Nuno Cordeiro

for more info : http://www.imdb.com
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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pet's Food

Sale Pet's Food with Nutrition. Fat and Protein Compare, Dog and Cat food.
Can be call and delivery to in front of your door
"khusus Jakarta Free Ongkos kirim(special for jakarta area free delivery order)".
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for more detail : Pets Food Details
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The Lake Geneva Classic Car Rally's History

Shortly after Corinne "Rinny" was born on August 5, 1975 her parents George and Janice Kreissl purchased a 1939 Ford Tudor and it was to be her car sometime in the future. George had learned to drive in a black Ford just like it, but the morning after bringing the car home "Rinny" became seriously ill and was rushed to Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

After weeks of life threatening testing and experimental therapy it was determined that she had Biliary Atresia a terminal liver condition. Janice never left her side as she was operated on 12 times and spent weeks in Intensive Care with children that had leukemia.

The following summer when Rinny was able to come home she loved to ride in the 39' Ford, sitting on Janice's lap and constantly keeping her hand on the gear shift knob. The route that was always traveled was around Geneva Lake and for some reason always in a counter-clockwise direction. This was her favorite activity as she was quite immobile due to her condition. Her only long trip in the Ford was to the Iola Car show in Iola, Wisconsin in July 1976 and always with her hand on the shifter.Corinne Kreissl

After Rinny passed on in February 1977, the memories of her pleasant journeys around Geneva Lake kept on returning and thoughts of somehow duplicating the trip around the lake and stopping at some of the same places kept coming up.

After discussing the prospects of a Lake tour the decision was made to add a poker theme to make the journey more interesting to more people and the American Cancer Society was contacted to provide some help with dealing, in return for any proceeds that might be raised. A foundation for Biliary Atresia had not yet been formed.

Planning for the event consisted of combining three ingredients, Lake Geneva, the Crown Jewel of the Midwest with rolling stock of antique, classic and special interest vehicles and finally a little touch of chance and you have the Corinne Kreissl Memorial Foundation's "Classic Car Rally" with rules "According to Hoyle." The first Rally was held September 17, 1978 and started at Popeye's in downtown Lake Geneva at the lake. Any and all vehicles were eligible to participate and there was no judging of vehicles. Just FUN, FUN, FUN, and Lady Luck was the winners only edge. Due to heavy rains and being a new event only 27 vehicles participated.

The first year a car show was held after the Rally was 1980, the 3rd annual event, when Hugh Hefner's Playboy Club hosted the awards program at their Ski Chalet, with Playboy Bunnies assisting in the awards presentation. Two hundred and sixty vehicles participated, almost ten times the initial number in 1978.

By the 5th Rally, in 1982, the event started and finished at the Old Playboy Ski Chalet, the Americana Resort. Four hundred vehicles participated.

In 1984, the 7th Rally, the Classic Car Rally took to the air with airplane rides in a restored 1931 Stinson Tri-motor airliner at the Americana field adjacent to the Ski Chalet. Five hundred vehicles participated. This continued in 1985, the 8th Annual Rally, and this was the first year that zones were incorporated instead of five stops for dealing. Participants could choose which stops in a zone where they wanted to draw their cards. 1985 was also the first year that the event was held for two days, Saturday as well as Sunday, which had been only Sundays in the past.

In 1986, the 9th Rally, Craig and Samantha Richardson offered the use of their South Shore home "The Vagabond," an English pub replica, for a Car Rally gathering. Friday evening was decided on and the "Taste of the Car Rally at Richardson's" was started.

The 10th Annual Rally in 1987 produced 650 vehicles and the zone concept and Richardson's gathering were both made a permanent part of the annual event.

By 1987 a new dimension was added; an antique wood boat show and antique outboard motor display at the Abbey Resort, a stop on the around the lake poker tour. Seven hundred and fifty vehicles participated.

By the 13th Rally in 1990 an antique aircraft and warbird fly-over was organized to accentuate the beginning of the awards presentation. Eight Hundred and fifty vehicles participated as well as many boats and airplanes for show.

The first $500. first prize was presented to the winner in 1991, the first year for the cash prize. After the Richardson's home suffered a tragic fire the Taste of the Rally party was held at the Cactus Club in 1992, the year of the 15th annual event. The following year 1993, the Richardson's home was rebuilt and the party was back on the South Shore.

In 1994 the 17th Annual Rally, was hosted by the Grand Geneva Resort and Spa after they purchased the Americana. Five hundred vehicles participated and the fly-over portion of the event was expanded.

Interlaken Resort and Country Spa became the new host site for the Classic Car Rally in 1996 the 19th year of the event. Eddie Cash presented his show to all participants for the first time this year. Eight hundred vehicles participated.

In 1997 a weekend itinerary was published as the number of events included a dance featuring Johnny Star, on Saturday night as well as Richardson's, a new car show downtown with a parade afterward, Eddie Cash show and the fly-over. Hemmings Motor news in Bennington, Vermont also presented their Hobby Hero Award to the Corinne Kreissl Memorial Foundation, Inc., for their assistance in expanding the old car hobby. Tom Gale of Chrysler Corporation and Bob Petersen from Hot Rod and Motor Trend Magazine, also received this prestigious award. Eight hundred vehicles participated.

In 1998 the return of the Swing Era provided incentive to add the legendary Riviera Ballroom on the Lake to be part of the Classic Car Rally. Louis Armstrong, Les Brown, Woody Herman and Pete Fountain are some of the bands that have played there in years past. The Airmen of Swing were engaged to play the Hubcap-Runningboard Ball on Saturday evening to add to the already full weekend schedule including a return of wood boat show and antique motor display. Dr. Hans Schreiber from the University of Chicago was on hand on Sunday to speak for the American Cancer Society. A professional Clown Show was also added for children's and adult entertainment. Nine Hundred vehicles participated.

The 22nd Annual Event in 1999 continued with the same itinerary as previous with Jack Farina and his Big Band providing swing at the Riviera. The largest turnout ever, with perfect weather all weekend, counted over 1,000 vehicles and made a $30,000.00 donation to childhood cancer research through the American Cancer Society.

Weekend long rain slowed the progress of the event in 2000, the 23rd annual Rally as the first year the Yerkes Observatory tour was added to the full weekend itinerary.

Perfect weather provided extra incentive to participate in the 24th Annual event on September 29 and 30, 2001. Almost 1100 vehicles participated raising $35,173.00 to fight childhood cancer in memory of Corrine Kreissl. This amount, along with proceeds from a 5K run in Long Grove, Illinois and donated by the Long Grove Lions Club, add up to a grand total of $46,656.00 to be added to Research Grant IRG86004-14 of the American Cancer Society, to raise the total to date, since the Rally's inception in 1978 to $401,003.00.
For more info site, on: http://www.classiccarrally.net/
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

10 Reasons to Make Love

Evidence points to the many health benefits of an active sex life. Sex Made Easy, an article published in Men's Health Magazine, gives 10 healthy reasons to hop into bed -- a reminder that making love is good for both body and soul.

1. Exercise. "Sexual activity is a form of physical exercise," according to Dr. Michael Cirigliano of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Making love three times a week burns around 7,500 calories in a year -- the equivalent of jogging 75 miles.
2. Heavy Breathing. A night of love can raise the amount of oxygen in cells, helping to keep organs and tissues functioning at their peak.

3. Strong Bones and Muscles. "Any kind of physical exercise is going to increase testosterone," states Dr. Karen Donahey, director of the Sex and Marital Therapy Program at Chicago's Northwestern University Medical Center. Testosterone is believed to help keep men's bones and muscles strong.
4. Lowered Cholesterol. Making love regularly can lower levels of the body's total cholesterol slightly, while positively changing the ratio of good-to-bad cholesterol.
5. Pain Relief. Sex can lower levels of "arthritic pain, whiplash pain and headache pain," according to Dr. Beverly Whipple, president-elect of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. Hormones that are released during sexual excitement and orgasm can elevate pain thresholds.
6. DHEA -- Without Supplements. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a popular supplemental hormone, is released naturally during lovemaking. "Just before orgasm and ejaculation," Crenshaw says, "DHEA spikes to levels three to five times higher than usual."
7. Prostate Protection. Researchers say prostate trouble may arise or be worsened by fluid buildup within the gland. Regular ejaculation will help wash out those fluids. Be cautious when suddenly changing frequency -- sudden changes may also trigger prostate problems.
8. Stress Relief. "Sex can be a very effective way of reducing stress levels," Donahey told Men's Health.
9. Love Will Keep Us Together. Crenshaw says affectionate touch will increase levels of oxytocin -- the "bonding hormone." Oxytocin is a desire-enhancing chemical secreted by the pituitary. Regular oxytocin release may help encourage frequent lovemaking.
10. Hormones -- Naturally. "Regular lovemaking can increase a woman's estrogen level, protect her heart and keep her vaginal tissues more supple," states Donahey.

SOURCE: Men's Health (November 1997, p. 104-108)

this info from : http://parenting.ivillage.com/newborn/nmomcare/0,,446m,00.html
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QURAN'S RULE ON : Menstruation and Sex

Peace to you all,

I have a question regarding 2:222

Any doctor will not tell you that it is harmful to have sexual intercourse during menstruation. In fact it may have a positive effect on period pain. There is no reason why couples can't enjoy each other at all times of the female cycle provided they are both happy about this.

It is sexist and damaging to women to claim that menstruation is in any way "unclean" it is in fact a healthy process that enhances the health of the womb and an essential part of being a women and a positive part of a women's identity. Women are no more unclean than Men. Remember Quran 3:195.


questioning 222

786 Peace ;

When a women is on her period and is sexually active it is scientifically proven that chances of acquiring or transmitting seually transmiited diseases increases greatly.HIV, Gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas, bacterial vaginosis etc.,to name a few.

Blocked tubes is only one after effect thus reducing fertility,or rendering the female sterile for life . Recurrent attacks of pelvic infection can lead to chronic pelvic pain which is secondary to multiple adhesions-scarring between the reproductive organs and the whole of the lower abdomen and pelvis.This is very debilitating and usually lasts a lifetime.The male also can get infected much more easily and have to suffer the consequences as well.When God says something, He means it.

May God guide us to His truth


Submitter, M.D.

Editor's report:

In a health letter on September 25, 1995, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that avoiding sex that causes bleeding, or takes place while a woman is menstruating, cuts the risk of HIV infection. This CDC report was presented at the 11th meeting of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research, which was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from August 27-30 in 1995. The CDC's letter focused on a case controlled analysis conducted by W.J. Kassler, in which 95 HIVcases of HIV transmission were closely studied. Kassler and his colleagues found that bleeding during sex accounted for 11% of the cases, and concluded that this type of transmission was a risk for both men, with a ratio of 8:1, and women, with a ratio of 4:1. Kassler also found that for women, having sex during menses, which accounted for 20% of the cases studied, was associated with a six-fold risk of transmission (6:1).

Editor's comments

"Any doctor will not tell you that it is harmful to have sexual intercourse during menstruation."

You are wrong as you can see from the Medical reply above. Remember also that Harmful does not necessarily mean the physical harm only, there is a psychological harm that will vary depending on every woman.

[2:222] They ask you about menstruation: say, "It is harmful; you shall avoid sexual intercourse with the women during menstruation; do not approach them until they are rid of it. Once they are rid of it, you may have intercourse with them in the manner designed by GOD. GOD loves the repenters, and He loves those who are clean."

"In fact it may have a positive effect on period pain."

Even if this is true it is not a good reason to disobey God. Smoking Marijuana will also lessen your period pain, should the women then take it to lessen the period discomfort and disobey God.

"There is no reason why couples can't enjoy each other at all times of the female cycle provided they are both happy about this."

We do not do things to please ourselves while disobeying God. We do things to please God first and may be lucky then to be pleased ourselves. Now after learning the medical facts you have even more reasons to obey God.

" It is sexist and damaging to women to claim that menstruation is in any way "unclean" "

No one claimed so. Quran does not. The words used in 2:222 is meant for the psychological readiness for the woman to feel good about herself and to feel attractive to her partner , her husband after her period is over.

" it is in fact a healthy process that enhances the health of the womb and an essential part of being a women and a positive part of a women's identity. "

That is correct and it is not against what the Quran teaches, if you understand it correctly.

"Women are no more unclean than Men. Remember Quran 3:195."

And no one claimed the opposite , Quran is clear as you said in 3:195.

We hope this clarify the issue for you.

for more info : http://www.submission.org/women/period.html
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Ribuan Orang Berbagai Negara Padati Bali Awal DesemberArifin Asydhad - detikcomJakarta - Sebaiknya Anda tidak menjadwalkan untuk bepergian ke Bali pada 3-14 Desember 2007. Sebab pada saat itu, ribuan orang dari berbagai negara akan memadati Bali, terutama di kawasan Nusa Dua. Transportasi pesawat juga diperkirakan juga akan padat. Pada tanggal itu akan berlangsung Konferensi Internasional Perubahan Iklim. Konferensi ini akan diikuti oleh delegasi 189 negara."Kami perkirakan yang hadir sekitar 10 ribu orang. 6.500 kamar hotel di kawasan Nusa Dua dan sekitarnya sudah kami booking," kata Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Rachmat Witoelar kepada detikcom, Jumat (25/5/2007) lalu.
Menurut Rachmat,

sekitar 10.000 orang yang hadir, terdiri dari 2.000 delegasi dari 189 negara, 6.000 orang perwakilan LSM, perusahaan dan perguruan tinggi, dan sisanya adalah para wartawan, baik dalam maupun luar negeri."Ini konferensi terbesar yang pernah dilakukan Indonesia. Dan di dunia, konferensi ini merupakan konferensi terbesar. Tahun ini, Indonesia yang ditunjuk PBB untuk menggelarnya, " kata Rachmat.Dengan hadirnya ribuan orang ke Bali ini, Rachmat mengaku sudah melakukan koordinasi dengan Menteri Perhubungan Jusman Syafii. "Penerbangan kemungkinan akan padat, kami sudah meminta bantuan Pak Jusman untuk mengatur masalah ini pada sekitar tanggal itu," ujar dia.Transportasi ini dinilai sebagai masalah penting pada menjelang dan saat konferensi digelar.
Diperkirakan setiap harinya nanti dibutuhkan sekitar 6.400 kursi pesawat.Konferensi ini akan membahas mengenai pemanasan global (global warming) dan penanganannya. Dunia semakin mengkhawatirkan mengenai pemanasan global ini, termasuk Indonesia. "Tahun 2050 kemungkinan Bandara dan Ancol sudah terendam air laut," kata Rachmat mencontohkan dampak global warming itu. (asy/mar)Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dan Ancol Tenggelam 2050Anwar Khumaini - detikcomJakarta - Pemanasan global membuat Bumi semakin panas. Akibatnya permukaan air laut akan semakin tinggi hingga mengakibatkan berkurangnya jumlah daratan di bumi ini. Diprediksi Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dan Ancol akan tenggelam pada 2040-2050."Tigapuluh tahun lagi Bandara Soekarno-Hatta akan tenggelam, demikian juga Ancol," ujar Menneg Lingkungan Hidup Rachmat Witoelar saat berkunjung ke detikcom, Jl Warung Buncit, Jakarta, Jumat (25/5/2007).Menurut Rachmat, sebenarnya masyarakat tahu tentang bahaya pemanasan global. Namun sebagian besar di antara mereka tidak peduli, bahkan cenderung tak peduli."So what dengan pemanasan global!" ujar Rachmat menirukan orang-orang yang tidak peduli dengan efek dari pemanasan global.
Ketidakpedulian masyarakat ini harus dicegah sejak dini, agar dampak dari pemanasan global tidak semakin menjadi-jadi.Oleh karena itu, kampanye tentang pentingnya kesadaran akan pentingnya kesadaran tentang bahaya pemanasan global mutlak harus digalakkan. Hal ini bisa dimulai dengan masalah yang sepele."Misalkan dengan membuat pagar di sekitar rumah kita dengan pepohonan," kata Rachmat.Saat ditanya apakah ia juga sudah menanami pohon di sekitar rumahnya, dengan spontan ia menjawab, "Pagar rumah saya dari pohon-pohonan loh," ujarnya. (anw/sss)
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Autism Spectrum Disorders

Not until the middle of the twentieth century was there a name for a disorder that now appears to affect an estimated one of every five hundred children, a disorder that causes disruption in families and unfulfilled lives for many children. In 1943 Dr. Leo Kanner of the Johns Hopkins Hospital studied a group of 11 children and introduced the label early infantile autism into the English language. At the same time a German scientist, Dr. Hans Asperger, described a milder form of the disorder that became known as Asperger syndrome. Thus these two disorders were described and are today listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR (fourth edition, text revision)1 as two of the five pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), more often referred to today as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). All these disorders are characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills, social interactions, and restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior.

The autism spectrum disorders can often be reliably detected by the age of 3 years, and in some cases as early as 18 months.2 Studies suggest that many children eventually may be accurately identified by the age of 1 year or even younger. The appearance of any of the warning signs of ASD is reason to have a child evaluated by a professional specializing in these disorders.

Parents are usually the first to notice unusual behaviors in their child. In some cases, the baby seemed "different" from birth, unresponsive to people or focusing intently on one item for long periods of time. The first signs of an ASD can also appear in children who seem to have been developing normally. When an engaging, babbling toddler suddenly becomes silent, withdrawn, self-abusive, or indifferent to social overtures, something is wrong. Research has shown that parents are usually correct about noticing developmental problems, although they may not realize the specific nature or degree of the problem.

The pervasive developmental disorders, or autism spectrum disorders, range from a severe form, called autistic disorder, to a milder form, Asperger syndrome. If a child has symptoms of either of these disorders, but does not meet the specific criteria for either, the diagnosis is called pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). Other rare, very severe disorders that are included in the autism spectrum disorders are Rett syndrome and childhood disintegrative disorder.
for more info http://images.google.co.id/imgres?imgurl=http://www.athealth.com/Images/autism1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.athealth.com/consumer/disorders/autismpdd.html&h=579&w=387&sz=62&tbnid=Dg-Ydwi3XNDBHM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dautism%26um%3D1&start=1&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=1
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Before RSS, several similar formats already existed for syndication, but none achieved widespread popularity or are still in common use today, as most were envisioned to work only with a single service. The basic idea of re-structuring metadata information about web sites has been traced back at least as far as 1995, and the work of Ramanathan V. Guha and others at Apple Computer's (now - Apple) Advanced Technology Group developing the Meta Content Framework (MCF).[2] Other early work on XML syndication formats, including RDF, took place at Netscape, Userland Software, and Microsoft. For a more detailed discussion of these early developments, see History of web syndication technology.

RDF Site Summary, the first version of RSS, was created by Ramanathan V. Guha of Netscape in March 1999 for use on the My Netscape portal. This version became known as RSS 0.9.[3][verification needed] In July 1999, responding to comments and suggestions, Dan Libby produced a prototype tentatively named RSS 0.91[4] (RSS standing for Rich Site Summary), that simplified the format and incorporated parts of Dave Winer's Scripting News format. [5] This they considered an interim measure, with Libby suggesting an RSS 1.0-like format through the so-called Futures Document.[6]

In April 2001, in the midst of AOL's acquisition and subsequent restructuring of Netscape properties, a re-design of the My Netscape portal removed RSS/XML support. The RSS 0.91 DTD was removed during this re-design, but in response to feedback, Dan Libby was able to restore the DTD, but not the RSS validator previously in place. In response to comments within the RSS community at the time, Lars Marius Garshol, to whom (co?)authorship of the original 0.9 DTD is sometimes attributed, commented, "What I don't understand is all this fuss over Netscape removing the DTD. A well-designed RSS tool, whether it validates or not, would not use the DTD at Netscape's site in any case. There are several mechanisms which can be used to control the dereferencing of references from XML documents to their DTDs. These should be used. If not the result will be as described in the article." [7]

Effectively, this left the format without an owner, just as it was becoming widely used.

A working group and mailing list, RSS-DEV, was set up by various users and XML notables to continue its development. At the same time, Winer unilaterally posted a modified version of the RSS 0.91 specification to the Userland website, since it was already in use in their products. He claimed the RSS 0.91 specification was the property of his company, UserLand Software.[8] Since neither side had any official claim on the name or the format, arguments raged whenever either side claimed RSS as its own, creating what became known as the RSS fork.

The RSS-DEV group went on to produce RSS 1.0 in December 2000.[9] Like RSS 0.9 (but not 0.91) this was based on the RDF specifications, but was more modular, with many of the terms coming from standard metadata vocabularies such as Dublin Core.

Nineteen days later, Winer released by himself RSS 0.92,[10] a minor and supposedly compatible set of changes to RSS 0.91 based on the same proposal. In April 2001, he published a draft of RSS 0.93 which was almost identical to 0.92.[11] A draft RSS 0.94 surfaced in August, reverting the changes made in 0.93, and adding a type attribute to the description element.

In September 2002, Winer released a final successor to RSS 0.92, known as RSS 2.0 and emphasizing "Really Simple Syndication" as the meaning of the three-letter abbreviation. The RSS 2.0 spec removed the type attribute added in RSS 0.94 and allowed people to add extension elements using XML namespaces. Several versions of RSS 2.0 were released, but the version number of the document model was not changed.

In November 2002, The New York Times began offering its readers the ability to subscribe to RSS news feeds related to various topics. In January, 2003, Winer called the New York Times' adoption of RSS the "tipping point" in driving the RSS format's becoming a de facto standard.

In July 2003, Winer and Userland Software assigned ownership of the RSS 2.0 specification to his then workplace, Harvard's Berkman Center for the Internet & Society.[12]

In January 2005, Sean B. Palmer, Christopher Schmidt, and Cody Woodard produced a preliminary draft of RSS 1.1.[13] It was intended as a bugfix for 1.0, removing little-used features, simplifying the syntax and improving the specification based on the more recent RDF specifications. As of July 2005, RSS 1.1 had amounted to little more than an academic exercise.

In April 2005, Apple Computer released Safari 2.0 with RSS Feed capabilities built in. Safari delivered the ability to read RSS feeds, and bookmark them, with built-in search features. Safari's RSS button is a blue rounded rectangle with RSS written inside in white, Safari's RSS icon/button. The favicon displayed defaults to a newspaper icon Safari's feed favicon..

In November 2005, Microsoft proposed its Simple Sharing Extensions to RSS.[14]

In December 2005, the Microsoft IE team and Outlook team announced in their blogs that they will be adopting the feed icon first used in the Mozilla Firefox browser , effectively making the orange square with white radio waves the industry standard for both RSS and related formats such as Atom. Also in February 2006, Opera Software announced they too would add the orange square in their Opera 9 release.

In January 2006, Rogers Cadenhead relaunched the RSS Advisory Board with a view to continuing the development of the RSS format and resolving ambiguities. In June 2007, the board revised their version of the specification to confirm that namespaces may extend core elements with namespace attributes, as Microsoft has done in Internet Explorer 7. In their view, a difference of interpretation left publishers unsure of whether this was permitted or forbidden. No press account of the differences between the Winer spec and the Cadenhead spec for RSS 2.0 is included in this article's references, though blog searches in May, 2007 find private opinions that the two specs are very similar.

In January 2007, as part of a revitalization of Netscape by AOL, the FQDN for my.netscape.com was redirected to a holding page in preparation for an impending relaunch, and as a result some news feeders using RSS 0.91 stopped working. The DTD has again been restored.
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